V2: 644108,1787 1896307,211



TIP Type: Protocol Oriented


Directory: Base



The point of this TIP is to provide a base summary from a high view which will allow us to create more granular TIPS.




Digital Signatures (3 components message, address, signature)
Hashes (SHA256)
Files (any that file can be uploaded to a server, produce a unique hash) 
Servers (ownership of the ability to publish from a server)


TSN Address
A TSN address is the hash of a public key (as defined by asymetric cryptography). The use of cryptocurrency
addresses will provide greater functionality, but more essential, is the ability to sign a message from a
public address which you own the private key to. This public address serves as the basis for your TSN account(s).

An account is used to publish content.




Content is published using any suitable combination of Digital Signatures, Files, and Hashes.

Any message is easily signed and verifiable by your TSN Address. A File, as well as it's unique Hash, can

be uploaded, linked to, and digitally signed to create TSN References.



TSN References

TSN References are simply unique fingerprints of your content. TSN References are produced via Digital Signatures

using your TSN Address on a Signature Page on your Block Publishing Server. Signature Pages URL's are indexed

and linked to in your Candidate Block, as well as the messages they contain.