V0: 644166,2659 1896480,42



TIP Type: Protocol Oriented


Directory: Accounts



The aim of this TIP is to formalize the process of opening, maintaining, and closing Accounts using your TSN Address.




TSN Account(s)

TSN Accounts are accounts that are opened, maintained, and closed using your TSN Address.

An individual TSN Address can have multiple TSN Accounts, although it must have at least one

Primary Account. Your Primary Account is the account which establishes your BPS.

Backwards compatible social media accounts are also possible.



Opening a TSN Account

Under the directory of "Accounts" a 'common directory' (discussed in later TIPS) create and index a

Signature Page (discussed further in later TIPS). On your Signature Page you will sign a message from

your TSN Address. This message must:

-Establish The Time (discussed in late TIPS)

-Describe the server/domain you wish to open an account from

-State "hello world"



Closing or 'denouncing' a TSN Account

Just like all other TSN unique signatures closing a TSN account also requires creating/indexing a Signature Page.

On your Signature Page you will sign a message from your TSN Address. This message must:

-Establish The Time

-Reference (as in TSN Reference) the "hello world" signature

-Describe the server/domain you wish to close an account from

-State "goodbye world"



Primary Account

Opening a Primary Account establishes your BPS (the server from which you will publish blocks from)

Since this Signature Page was published on your BPS--no further action is required.



Backwards compatible social media accounts

Since this Signature Page was published from your BPS--a link to it must then be published from your backwards

compatible social media account as well (thus proving ownership of the account).

As for publishing content thereafter as long as it's a Valid TSN Account 1 form of the 3 major forms of signing

is being used so the decision to record said content in your blocks is your decision/tradeoff to make. For those who've

been paying attention I've provided a few neat tricks to cut down on the space needed to do so.



Valid TSN Account(s)

A Valid TSN Account is an account which you have succesfully opened and who's status is still current (as per your block).