V1: 644302,2545 1896976,124



TIP Type: Protocol Oriented


Directory: > (>your_blockchain)



The aim of this TIP is to formalize the process of creating >your_blockchain





>your_blockchain Directory
This is the directory on your BPS where you publish your blocks.



Candidate Block
Once your Primary Account is opened content is produced in the form of TSN References (Signature Pages on your
BPS created in various directories). The messages/signatures within these pages are concurrently produced in
your Candidate Block Page. Signatures also provide a link to the URL of each Signature Page. Once your Candidate
Block Page nears it's Block Size Limit--it is published by Establishing The Time and creating a PDF which commits
the data to a unique hash. This Block Hash is included in the following Candidate Block.



Candidate Block Format (below)
TSN Address
Previous Block Hash





Signature (links to Signature Page)





Signature (links to Signature Page)





Signature (links to Signature Page)





Data can be added here. This will come in handy for Signalling/Protocol Upgrades



Example can be found here



By publishing data from Signature Pages in >your_blockchain you are comitting that data to unique blocks
which create a historical record of your TSN Content. While it is only you creating, maintaining, and backing up
this public record (as witnessed by anyone observing) the storage of >your_blockchain blocks can become more

redundant over time through the directory of Mining (described later) given there is sufficient external demand

for your Clout. We will delve into the various incentives regarding the above further in Directory TIPs such as

Mining, Clout, and Cloutreon.