A dimebag of truth is a short statement published to the interwebz.

Dimes can be shared through consignment on other platforms. 

Truth Improvement Proposals

A Truth Improvement Proposal (TIP) is the process by which we make changes to The Truth Social Network Protocol. The process is fairly

similar to the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) process but is albeit, for now, less formal. In order to submit a proposal for review you

must have a valid TSN address. TIPs are created, edited, and updated on their own unique page in the Git Truth directory using OTR signing. Upon completion--a PDF file is created thus comitting the proposal to a unique hash to be signed by it's author in an official TIP proposal.


There are two different TIP Types:

-Protocol Oriented TIPs which are fairly rigged requirements that must be adhered  to. Once officially proposed these are given OP CODES and submitted for inclusion in TSN upgrades which are voted on by the TSN community via signalling in their TSN block (specific parameters i.e. flag days, consensus activations thresholds are to be decided with each upgrade).

-Informational TIPs which are less riggid and serve as reccommendations


**Directory TIPS are geared toward common directories used on Block Publishing Servers in order to create specific modularized sets of rules. Directory TIPS are also either Protocol Oriented or Informational.

(In Progress)

In Progress TIPS use OTR signing. OTR signing is publishing from a valid TSN account (1 of 3 aspects of TSN signing). This is a less

secure method of signing as there's no digital fingerprint, nor record of it in a TSN block. OTR signing is useful for editing 'TSN Documents' in real time.

(In Progress)

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